Saturday, November 28, 2009

Technology and P.E.

I have thought of many different ways to incorporate technology in Physical Education. EDM 310 has taught many that just by having a blog is a great way to help my students and parents learn more. In the field of Physical Education, we do a lot of weight lifting and running. I could post on my blog what we will be doing for the week and what is required of the students to pass the test. I will post their times and weights so they can compare it with other students. I know that when I was in high school, everything was a competition. Still to this day I find activities more fun if I am competing against someone else.
Also, blogs are a good way for me to stay in touch with parents. If their child has to miss practice, then it is a good way for them to get in touch with me. Another way of getting in touch with me is facebook. I am friends with many of my players as well as their parents. If the parents are having trouble with their children, they usually send me a message or email me. Also, email has made life easier for me as a coach. I get our practice schedule every morning, which helps me in getting my drills ready for practice.
Technology has helped me tremendously as a coach. I am excited about the future and learning as much as I can about all the new technology. I will have to stay up to date so I am able to teach my players.

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